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Your Ultimate Guide to Rocking Your Birth Experience

The big day is just around the corner, and while it’s totally normal to feel a mix of excitement and nerves, I'm here to help you feel empowered and ready to tackle your birth experience like a pro with these 10 simple steps.

1. Patience is Your Superpower

I get it, waiting isn’t easy, especially when you’re excited to meet your little one. Remember, labour takes time. Your body is doing something amazing, so take a deep breath and try not to watch the clock. Relax, take it easy, and know that every contraction brings you one step closer to holding your baby. If you’re planning a hospital birth, hang out at home for as long as you can - trust me, it’s way more comfy there and you can give Oxytocin (the positive labour hormone) a chance to really build.

2. Create Your Happy Place

Ever notice how other mammals like cats and dogs find cosy, private spots to give birth? We’re no different! Whether you’re planning a home birth or heading to a hospital, think about how you can make your space warm, comfy, and full of good vibes. Bring along your favourite pillow, adjust the lighting, put on your tunes and make sure your environment feels just right.

3. Keep on Moving

When it comes to labour, staying active is key. Sway, rock, or even do a little dance whatever feels good to you. Movement helps your baby find the best way out and can make contractions more manageable. Don’t be afraid to get up and move around, and if you need a little help, your birth partner or midwife is there to support you. That said, I am not saying you must never rest, just rest in a good side lying or upright and forward leaning sitting position as these are optimal for your baby.

4. Know Your Options

Knowledge is power! Take some time to learn about all the tools available to help you through labour. From breathing techniques and massage to TENS machines and epidurals, there’s a lot out there to explore. Knowing your options ahead of time will help you feel more in control when the big day arrives.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Labour can be intense, and it’s completely normal to feel like you’re struggling at times. If you’re finding it tough to cope, don’t hesitate to ask for help or reassurance. Your birth partner and midwife are there to support you. A little encouragement can go a long way in helping you find your strength and keep going.

6. Make a Birth Plan (and Keep it Flexible)

Creating a birth plan is a great way to communicate your preferences, but remember, flexibility is key. Discuss your plan with your midwife and birth partner in advance, but be open to adjustments as things unfold. Your birth partner can help remind you of your wishes and keep your birth team in the loop. Having all the info enables you to make informed decisions and is where a local antenatal course can really help with your planning.

7. Trust Your Body

Your body was made for this! Trust in your instincts and do what feels right for you during labour. Whether it’s eating, drinking, or making some noise to get through contractions, listen to your body and let it guide you.

8. Choose Your Birth Partner Wisely

Who you have by your side during labour matters. Choose someone you feel completely comfortable with, whether it’s your partner, a friend, or a doula. This person should be calming, supportive, and someone you can communicate with openly.

9. Stay Positive

A positive mindset isn’t just feel-good fluff, it’s science! Staying happy and confident during labour releases endorphins and oxytocin, the hormones that help your uterus do its thing. These hormones not only help with pain relief but also create a sense of well-being. It is impossible to be relaxed and stressed at the same time so banish the adrenaline and focus on encouraging the good hormones.

10. Kickstart Baby Bonding

The moment your baby arrives cuddle them close if you can. Skin-to-skin contact is a beautiful way to start bonding, keep your baby warm, and get breastfeeding off to a great start. Whether you’ve had a vaginal birth or a caesarean, ask your midwife to help you boost the baby bonding.

In Person Antenatal Courses, Linlithgow, West Lothian.

Online Antenatal Workshops


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